Apply For Government Jobs With Confidence
Showing You How To Write Selection Criteria For Government Jobs
Selection criteria are used in many job advertisements to help recruitment specialists and HR managers understand your suitability for an advertised role. They are particularly common in government and public sector jobs. At Criterial we offer training and support in how to successfully apply for government jobs and write selection criteria responses that get you shortlisted.
Government Job Application Skills That Help You Secure Interviews
Are you regularly investing time and effort applying for government roles and not getting shortlisted for an interview? Or maybe you’re new to this sector and need guidance and support in completing job applications. If you’re going to the trouble of giving thought and consideration to good job description responses… make it count!
If you apply for government jobs in Australia, whether it is at State or Federal level, the key to securing an interview is to write exceptional selection criteria responses. While the process and competencies might be different for Federal Government jobs or in Queensland, New South Wales or Victoria, the skillls used to apply for all of them are similar and can be learned. The public sector job application process is unique and writing effective responses to selection criteria is difficult… unless you know what the recruiters are looking for.
At Criterial, our online training courses take you through a step by step process of completing job applications based on a thorough understanding of the recruitment process. We have helped 100’s of job seekers submit that winning job application. Let us teach you the skills you need and stand out from the crowd to secure that all-important interview.
Our team has over 20 years recruiting experience and will help you write outstanding selection criteria responses and document the best examples of your career work experience.
We help you understand what a government recruiter is looking for and learn the key skills required to respond effectively to selection criteria in job applications.

Free Resources

At Criterial, we make available free resources to make sure you can access content whenever you want on whatever topic you want.
Topics include:- Interview preparation
- Pitching your written selection criteria response at the right level
- How to change careers
- How to avoid age bias
- Applying for a job where you work
- Soft skills you can use outside of the application process
- Finding jobs on government websites
One On One Coaching
Whether you have completed our online training or accessed some of our resources or just want some individual attention and coaching, we can help. Whether it is in person or online over Teams we can discuss your objectives and plan to make sure you get the skills you need.

Group Training

If you’re an industry trainer or responsible for staff development, and want a personalised session on writing selection criteria responses or even general information about government job application processes; we can help.
If you’re supporting military, law enforcement or other services to transition from service to civilian life, we can support you as well. Combining 10½ years in law enforcement with 20+ years in government recruiting, our team has developed specific skills for those looking to transition and relate their experience in terms that civilians will be able to understand.