Translate your teacher skills into corporate skills

Translate your Teacher Skills into Corporate Skills I read a lot online from people burned out in lots of professions; how as “teachers” do you translate your teacher skills into corporate skills? Teaching is one of those professions where people are burning out[1]. As a teacher though, what can you transition to other than “teaching”? […]
Demonstrates Sound Governance Selection Criteria

How To Answer Demonstrates Sound Governance Selection Criteria Continuing the series of “What is the sub text of this selection criterion” today I turn to Demonstrates Sound Governance, hearing a collective groan from all the readers. Sound governance, also asked as demonstrates sound governance, and, demonstrates sound governance examples. Previous blogs in this series include: […]
Selection criteria examples

Selection Criteria Examples: My Responses To A Real Job Description In this blog I want to give some full selection criteria examples, and talk through them about their layout. I don’t do this a lot as most of the selection criteria I deal with are not mine to share but this one is. A question […]