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Data in Criteria Examples Doesn’t Convey the Passion Story

Statistics and graphs on laptop

When giving selection criteria examples applying for a government job, proof of your achievements is important. Proof comes in many forms: Case studies Statistics/data Testimonials References Projects that are now business as usual The proof needs to cover that you did what you did, what you say you delivered was delivered, the skills you say […]

How to answer ‘tell me about yourself’ in a job interview

This is who I am sign on the blog on how to answer tell me about yourself interview question

The ‘tell me about yourself’ job interview question should literally be the easiest question you can ever answer right? You are you; you’ve been you your whole life, you know you better than anyone else; so why is it so hard to answer? First thing is the fact you are you probably means you don’t […]

Sell Yourself in a Job Application – Modesty not Boasting

Woman in elevator

I’m Not Good at Selling Myself An area where applicants often fall down is failing to sell yourself in the job application. One of the most frequent things I have heard in 20 years of giving people feedback on selection criteria responses is the statement I’m not good at selling myself. To be blunt, you […]